What in the wild wild world of sports is going on here?

I heard a bunch of commotion out by Transfer Station 1. Checking the cameras I didn’t see any shoppers. Odd, I thought. A little later I kept hearing it. Again, nothing on the camera.

Ok, guys what’s up? You are keeping me from enjoying the party 😞

I decided to walk into the hammock and found a small gathering around 2 very large hermit crabs. Of course everyone clams up when I arrive… so I snap a few pictures and retreat…

My nosey self just had to sneak back over… and when I did, I saw the above picture. Oh my! A land crab joined the 2 hermit crabs… we really are a Crustacean Plantation!!!

Angela Sayre

Provide awareness of the native wild hermit crabs of the Florida Keys. Bring attention to the housing shortage of hermit crabs due to pollution and the collection of seashells by humans. Educate the public on the capture and abuse of wild hermit crabs for the pet trade. Help end the sale of wild-caught hermit crabs and preserve populations of wild hermit crabs and the lands they inhabit.


Leave the Shell


A passer-by